Friday, 6 February 2015

Kim Kardashian Would Have Never Existed If Her Great Grand Father Did Not Heed The Advice Of A Prophet

It has been revealed that Kim Kardashian's ancestors escaped the great 'Armenian Genocide' because they listened to a prophet who adviced them to 'uproot' to America. Her ancestors who were known as the Kardaschoffs, fled the tsarist Russian empire in the late 19th century.
By doing so, they escaped the triple horror of the First World
War from 1914-18, the 'Armenian Genocide' starting in 1915
- exactly a century ago this year - and the Russian
Revolution in 1917.

Kim who has chosen this
year, on the hundredth anniversary of the deadly holocaust to visit
Armenia for the first time.
The legend has it that in the 1850s, an 11-year-old Efil
Klubnikin penned an apocalyptic forecast despite being
apparently illiterate.
'Those who believe in this will go on a journey to a far land,
while the unbelievers will remain in place,' the boy
prophesied. 'Our people will go on a long journey over the
great and deep waters...people from all countries will go
'There will be a great war. All kings will shed blood like
great rivers. Two steamships will leave to cross the
impassable ocean.'
In the first years of the 20th century, Efim renewed the
warning that he made to stunned believers in Karakale as a
child, saying his premonition was now coming to pass.
'Efim called a meeting, he invited the elders from all the
Molokan villages including the two elders of the Armenian
Molokan church. He prophesied this was the time for them
to leave Russia as there were terrible times coming,
especially for the Armenians,' said Ms Keosababian-Bivin.
Images he scrawled led locals to believe they should cross
the Atlantic to the United States, but this young diviner also
indicated they should not stop there, but trek to the west
coast. He pointed them towards Los Angeles.
America was, he said, 'a land of the living' while mass
slaughter would engulf their homeland.
Presciently, he urged them to go quickly - as he himself
would do - and cautioned: 'The doors will close, and leaving
Russia will be impossible.'
Many families sold up their homes and land at knockdown
prices, or simply fled, to escape the coming horrors.
It is due to the prophecy that many of Kim's
Ancestors came to Los Angeles.

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